Who Needs a Dental Implant?
Are you missing a tooth? If you are, then you may need a dental implant. In fact, just about anyone who has ever lost a permanent tooth to gum disease, tooth decay, or dental trauma can be considered a candidate for a dental implant. Generally speaking, dental implants can be used in almost anyone whose jaw has stopped growing. Most of the time girls reach this stage around age sixteen, while boys tend to reach it around age eighteen. There are some cases, though, in which dental implants may not be the right decision.
Some of the things that can affect your candidacy for dental implants include:
• Dental health
In order to minimize the risk of complications, your teeth and gums should be healthy before undergoing the dental implants procedure.
• General health
Good general health can also help reduce the risk of complications. However, systemic conditions are not necessarily prohibitive with regards to implants candidacy. In fact, even patients with diabetes and other serious conditions can still be good candidates for implants.
• Smoking status
Smoking can interfere with the healing process. If you smoke, you may need to take a break during the healing phase if you wish to achieve the best possible results.
• Bone quality and quantity
Dental implants need adequate bone tissue for support. If your bone is too narrow or of poor quality, you may benefit from a bone graft. This procedure can help stimulate bone growth and improve overall bone quality.
• Personal goals
If you are looking for a permanent tooth restoration that offers as much security and stability as a natural tooth, implants may be the right option for you.
Although each case is unique, dental implants may be considered an option for just about anyone who wants them. We will work with you to ensure the best possible outcome for your particular scenario. Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our expert in dental implants in Los Angeles.
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